Hello! We're cockneys!
The Londonist is looking good these days. Lots of posts, interesting topics and great instant repsonses ("there's snow on Oxford St!"). But why slag off Jamie Oliver? So obvious, no? So he's spent the past few years being an irritant with a supermarket advertising deal, but if you can still muster up the hatred then you must be pretty sour spirited. Going for the whole fat lipped mockney with a lisp routine is just lazy - we've heard it all before. Yes, the sainsbury's light hearted cockney geezer episodes can leave me paralysed with mindless rage. (Although at least they're not as bad as the bum-clenchingly embarrassing Asda ad courtesy of Mrs Osbourne (not since Doctor Who have I had to hide my head under a pillow with such regularity)). But since I haven't recently inspired someone to learn to cook, attempted to campaign for better food in schools, or helped any badly educated losers to find their way again, I think I'll sit this one out. And for a bloke who so obviously struggled at school to have worked so hard to make it in life (and none of this "his dad owned a restaurant" bollocks - he did all the shithole 5am bread making routines same as everyone) you'd have to be an embittered old curmudgeon to work up proper hatred for him.
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